Staying Cool During the Summer :: Energy Saving Tips + Printable Bingo Game

This post is sponsored by PNM. Albuquerque Moms Blog strives to work with businesses we feel would benefit our readers.

“Close the door, we’re not paying to air condition the outside!”

How many times have you told your child this since you turned on your air conditioner? Summer is here, and with it comes hot weather. Demand for electricity is highest during the summer cooling season. A typical family that uses cooling in their home can expect to see that higher electricity usage reflected in their summer bills; therefore, PNM would like to offer some practical tips on how to save electricity and money during the hottest time of the year.

pnm beat the heatCooling Your Home

  1. Cooling adds up to about 50% of your electric bill in the summer. Set your thermostat as high as comfort permits. Save two to four percent on electricity for every degree higher the thermostat is set. Consider using a programmable thermostat to do the work for you.
  2. Make sure your air filters are changes and complete annual tune-ups for maximum efficiency.
  3. Keep doors and windows closed when refrigerated air conditioning is on.
  4. Turn off air conditioners and open windows whenever possible to allow outside air to cool your home. If you are gone for an extended period, turn off the cooler or raise the thermostat setting.
  5. Use ceiling fans to help circulate the air. In the summer, they should be turning counterclockwise so air pushes downward, making the home feel cooler. Turn off fans when house is empty.
  6. Draw blinds and curtains during the day when nobody is home, so the sun isn’t heating up the house, making your cooler kick on unnecessarily.
  7. Avoid using heat-generated appliances during the hottest part of the day like stoves, ovens, dishwashers, and laundry washers and dryers.
  8. If you get a new cooling unit for your home this year, make sure to get your PNM rebate. Rebates are available for energy-efficient air conditioners, evaporative (swamp) coolers, swimming pool pumps, and more.

A Few More Energy Saving Tips

  1. If you have a fireplace, make sure to close the damper when not in use. A considerable amount of air escapes the home through the fireplace chimney.
  2. Swap out old inefficient lighting for LEDs. They use less energy than incandescent lighting, last longer, and they don’t emit heat. Having efficient lighting in your home can help save you up to $65 a year on your electric bill.
  3. Unplug items around the house when not in use to avoid using standby energy. Examples include blenders, toasters, gaming systems, etc. Even when they’re not turned on, if they are still plugged in, they are pulling a stream of electricity.
  4. Contact PNM for a Home Energy Checkup. An expert energy ambassador will meet you at your home to analyze how it uses energy, will give you energy saving devices, and will tell you what rebates you qualify for too.
  5. PNM offers a recycling program for refrigerators and freezers. PNM will give customers $50 for their old working refrigerator or freezer and will pick up their old one for free. Remove an older, secondary refrigerator, in your garage for example, and you could save about $175 annually on your electricity bill.

 Get the Kids Involved

Focusing on simple and practical ways to conserve energy is a great way to help kids establish good habits at an early age and helps save you money too! For a fun and easy summer activity, play Energy Conservation Bingo. All you’ll need is this downloadable Bingo card and something to mark off the squares (marker, crayon, stickers, etc.)

Energy Conservation Bingo (download card here)

energy saving

This game requires team effort. Kids (and adults) in the family work together to accomplish simple energy saving tasks.

  1. Take a short shower instead of a long bath.
  2. Don’t leave the refrigerator door open.
  3. Wipe dishes instead of rinsing to help use less water.
  4. Unplug electronics when they’re not in use.
  5. Open your shades (instead of using the lights) on winter days.
  6. Remind your parents to turn off the AC if you’re all leaving for the day.
  7. Shave a minute off shower time and save water.
  8. Turn off lights when not needed. Turn off lights during peak hours.
  9. Plan an outing to stay cool, like a trip to a shaded park under a tree or the splash pad.
  10. Fill the washer up with a full load of laundry. Don’t just wash a few items.
  11. Keep doors & windows shut when heat or A/C are on.

After a task is accomplished, they can mark it off on the Bingo card. Once the kids work together to get four in a row down or five in a row across, they get to have a special family celebration like popsicles or a trip to the splash pad!