How My College Degree Prepared Me for Motherhood


I’m a college graduate who left my career to be a stay-at-home mom. Initially, as much as I knew staying home was the right decision for our family, I struggled with the feeling like I was wasting my education. I’m confident I will return to the workforce one day, but I figured out that my college degree prepared me for motherhood in more ways than I could have imagined.

How My College Degree Prepared Me for Motherhood :: Albuquerque Moms Blog

My College Degree Prepared Me for Motherhood.

Hard Work

I worked my rear end off in college to graduate in four years with a double major. I made a lot of sacrifices, and I believe that my college degree prepared me for motherhood in that it taught me that all good things take lots of work. Raising my son is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but seeing his sweet smile every morning and getting those sloppy kisses each day make it so worth it.

Sleepless Nights

I’m a procrastinator by nature and pulled my fair share of all-nighters in college. I worked on papers at the last minute and crammed for tests. My college degree prepared me for motherhood in that I grew pretty accustomed to sleepless nights. Thankfully, my little guy sleeps through the night now, but man those newborn nights were rough, too. 

Interpersonal Communication

I never expected to use my interpersonal communication skills anywhere but the workplace, but these courses in my college degree prepared me for motherhood in that I can reason with an emotional toddler (most of the time). Who knew “deescalating the situation” and “verbal judo” would work in a tantrum?


Okay, this one might be a stretch, but I’m pretty convinced my math skills helped me figure out those intense newborn feeding schedules. Or, maybe not…

Creative Writing

My creative writing classes helped stretch my imagination so I can tell my son funny adventure stories. My other literature classes exposed me to books and poems that I’ll share with him one day when he’s older.

Government and Politics

One of my majors was political science, so I took a lot of government and politics classes. They made me aware of the things that are bigger than myself. They pushed me to get involved in making my city, state, country, and world a better place for my family.

So mama, if you feel like you’re wasting your education by choosing to stay home, think again. Even though my college degree prepared me for motherhood in some ways, nothing prepared me for the intense love I have for my son. You have an amazing gift in your children, and don’t think for a moment that it’s a waste. Motherhood changes you, but it doesn’t have to be a bad change.

You have the most important job in the world.