What Is the Enneagram?


This week, we have a short editorial series on the Enneagram. Check out the other posts in the series here and here. We’d love to know what number you are and how the Enneagram has benefitted you. 

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personality test, unlike any others (and I am just going to be scratching the surface here). The Enneagram types people’s patterns in how they manage their emotions and conceptualize the world. There are nine different types and they are all related to each other. It is pretty fascinating. The different types are listed below in the photo. There are wings, subtypes, and more, but I won’t get into those right now.

Personal Experience with the Enneagram

I had always felt like there was some disconnect with my personality type and others.

Why don’t they protect others like I do?

Why are some people not as loyal as I am?

Why are they so soft-spoken?

Why are they so helpful?

Why is it so hard for them to make a decision?

what is the enneagram, ABQ MomsSomeone told me about the enneagram, so I decided to take the test.

Once I discovered my number, I felt seen. Truly seen.

I also felt so connected with the world because this told me there were other people out there with the same number as me. People that fight for the same things, are motivated by the same things, have the same core fears, and have the same tendencies (among other things).

My life changed once I found out the numbers of my closest friends and my husband. I felt like I finally got them on a  much deeper level. Now I know why my closest friend hates picking out a place to eat for dinner and why I can never load the dishwasher right for my husband, haha! But truly.

Discovering the Enneagram helped me understand not only myself better, but how to work with others and what’s important to them. What makes them feel important and what sort of things they are most good at.

I encourage everyone to take this test! (I am an 8 wing 9.)

Taking the Test

There are lots of free tests out there, but I really like The Enneagram Institute’s test. It is $12, but it will give you an in-depth look at your results, and I find this one to be the most accurate. When you take the test, you should be taking it as if you are in your 20s since your outlook on the world is a bit different with fewer experiences that won’t sway your thoughts.

After taking the test, I suggest Googling everything and learn as much about it as you can.

Enneagram Coaching

There are Enneagram coaches out there who are certified and will dive deeper with you in your results. They will teach you how to incorporate your key motivations into your daily life to get the best results so you can live your best life. It is pretty cool!

Have you taken the Enneagram? If so, I want to know your number!

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what is the enneagram, ABQ Moms