
Rochelle Is a mom of 2 boys (6) and (7) and Step-mom to one girl (7). While never dreaming of being a blogger, she cant help but think how neat it is to share and connect to moms especially the Albuquerque moms. Once a widow and now a wife again Rochelle knows all to well what it means to connect, share, and be seen. Rochelle's passion is to connect moms virtually through social media, and personally through mom events. Subscribe and stay in "the know" for the latest upcoming events with Albuquerque Moms Blog.
When Kids Have To Act Like Parents :: An Unhealthy Role Reversal

When Kids Have To Act Like Parents :: An Unhealthy Role Reversal

I cant help but have tears in my eyes as I write this. Today I am not talking about me parenting my kids. Today I am talking about me parenting a parent. My mom. I didn't...

Water Replenishment: A Trip to Comanche Creek with Coca-Cola Co.

I love to visit places like Lake Tahoe, Yellowstone, Yosemite and better yet, local forests like Carson National Forest.  All its wonders and all its beauty is mind blowing to me. Overall,  I really enjoy...