Hello May! And welcome Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month! In this month we take the time to celebrate Asian American History. This month is important to me as an Asian American. I am half Chinese and half Caucasian....
School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to join us and our Community & Conversation Group for Summer Park Hops: a series of...
After six years of being a SAHM, it was time for me to go back to work. I was so excited to get back. I thought that being home was turning me into a MOM-ster. Getting back to work...
And so the mom story goes... I was out all morning with the kids. We ended up being out longer than I expected so all the snacks I packed were gone, along with the emergency applesauce in the glove box....
I'm breastfeeding as I write this. Yes, I am breastfeeding my cranky 13 month old for two reasons. She settles down, and I have a moment to collect my thoughts. It's a win-win! March 20, 2016 is the first day I nursed...
Oh, the joys of pregnancy. Being pregnant is an experience unlike any other. You're giving up your body to grow another human. It is no easy feat and comes with a lot of changes-- some expected and some not....
Mom is not a travel agent or tour guide. I’ve been a mom for almost 20 years. I try to be the mom that loves family vacations and loves coordinating the itineraries. (I have some control issues I need to...
You may have heard the term "Geriatric Pregnancy"? Interestingly, it's now called "Advanced Maternal Age" (AMA). I guess that does sound better, but I still just say pregnancy. I am older--over 40 now--and I just had our fifth baby. In...
Raise your hand if you're guilty of getting everything at Costco . . . from furniture and clothing to stocking your pantry with bulk item grocery goodies! Yup, me too! Costco became my saving grace when I decided to...
Motherhood is all about seasons, but potty training season is my least favorite. I have successfully toilet-trained one child and we're in the thick of it with the second. When friends ask for my potty training advice, I look...
My son was born at the University of New Mexico Hospital where they have a Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention & Awareness Program.  As a part of that program, I watched a video titled "When Babies Cry" before I was...
When I was a kid, my mom had a wonderful garden. One of my favorite things she would grow was cucumbers. Homegrown cucumbers are the absolute best. Then my mom would take those fresh cucumbers and make the most...
One of my favorite foods to make during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is lumpia. Lumpia is a type of spring roll from the Philippines and Indonesia. It can be either sweet or savory and is always...
When Summer temperatures reach into the hundreds, we look for all kinds of tips to beat the heat. Whether you want to find a pool or splashed, or keep your littles inside, we've got you covered! Take a look...

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In + Around ABQ

2024 Summer Park Hops :: A Series of Summer Play Dates

School is out, and summer is here. Therefore, it's the perfect time to get outside and make new friends! We'd love for you to...